Tuesday, March 15, 2011

An Exercise in Color

You may think I have gone totally crazy with my colors this week,  but there is a reason for the madness as they say.....  I didn't go into this painting expecting the brightness but kept thinking about a group of artists that came after the Impressionists, they painted with wild abandon  and vivid colors. They were called the Fauves or "wild beasts".  In this painting I wanted  to get away from tightness in style, color and work toward a using just a few strokes to get across the idea.  My painting is done on 9 x12" Wallis paper, using primarily Nu Pastels and a few Rembrandts.  So till next week... I'm turning it in and letting the results of the experience gel on my shelf for a while, calling it quits from this "beastly" painting!