Friday, February 1, 2013

ENCORE 13 Artist Reception February 10, 2013

Open through March 31, 2013 – Daily from 9 am – 5 pm
Reception with all artists February 10th 1 to 4 pm

Encore – Thirteen Artists Show 
at the Nagle Warren Mansion
Reception February 10, 1 to 4pm

Thirteen Art Design and Dine artists from 2012 present the show, Encore at Nagel Warren Mansion. The venue is  located at 223 E 17th and will run through March 31 with a reception including all artists on February 10th from 1 to 4 pm. The Encore artists are Christi Beckmann, Mack Brislawn, Don Edington, Vanda Edington, Julie Nighswonger, Connie Norman. Do Palma, Win Ratz, Jennifer Rife, Dave Rowswell, Georgia Rowswell, Jeannie Schlump and Gail Watford. For more info call 778-7172, go to the Art Design and Dine  link for the latest information at or check
"The show is hung and looks great!  As you can tell from the poster the show is quite diverse and you can count on seeing a little bit of everything! If you come out for the reception on February 10th, Win Ratz and Do Palma will be doing demos.  There will be refreshments with the Nagel Warren Mansion serving their special made tea.  Come out and see the show before March 31 or better yet mark your calendar for the Artist Reception on February 10th  from 1-4 pm and visit with us artists.  Hope to see you there!"