Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pastel Society of Colorado-- Signature Status Achieved!

Entering into juried shows can be a humbling experience, wondering why certain paintings don't make it into a show and the joy felt when others are accepted by the judges in the next show.  I have only participated in entering these juried shows for the last few years and have a long way to go to truly understanding the whole process.  But I must say.... it is so exciting to get that letter that says your painting is in!  With the acceptance of my pastel painting "Apple, Crackers and Cheese" into the Arkansas Pastel Society show I was thrilled  to find out that  I had  also completed the points needed to earn Signature Status in the Pastel Society of Colorado!  I am truly honored to be added to the list of artists that have already achieved this honor.  It is going to be exciting to be able to sign my next paintings with the letters PSC!  

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