Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Where does time go?

"Merrily Down the Stream" Pastel Painting SOLD

It's unreal how fast the last couple of months have gone by, with no chance for me to sit at my computer and update you on whats happening in my art world.  So not to bore you to death... I will do a whirlwind update!

The show at Nagel Warren in November was great fun!  Lots of old friends came out to see Vanda's and my work.  I, also brought in some on my favorite paintings printed on note cards and sold out! My pastel painting "Merrily Down the Stream" sold during the reception! Some of my 5x7 Wyoming wildlife paintings of a meadowlark and Mountain Bluebird sold at Perkins Restaurant show later that week!  

Here I am this past November, at the opening Reception for Marvelous Miniatures and Masterpieces at Nagel Warren Mansion. This painting, "Cherished Memories" was placed alongside the mansions beautiful china and special blend tea. "Cherished Memories" just off the easel and unframed, was not for sale but a surprise gift for my parents!  The tea cup painting was inspired by my parents first set of dishes 60 years ago! I remember many Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners using the dishes! Those truly are cherished memories!

I took off all December to visit with family but managed to go to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Rogers, AR.  The
 Museum invites you to celebrate the American spirit in a setting that unites the power and history of American art with the beauty of landscape. It is amazing that this world class museum, is offered free to the public in the rural state of Arkansas! BTW, Rogers has a population of only a little over 55,000!  So if you are ever in Northwest Arkansas, Crystal Bridges is a must on the list of places to go!  
My husband and I also, took a day trip to Eureka Springs, a great little art community hidden in the Ozarks of Northwest Arkansas! It's a wonderful drive through the Ozark mountains not at all like our Rocky mountains.   The Ozarks are not tall or dramatic as the Rockies but a have beautiful gentleness with their tree covered hillsides of oak and maples.  Once arriving in Eureka, we had a great time visiting the art galleries.   Our favorite on this day trip was the gallery Quicksilver, having a unique mix of artistic crafts, jewelry, pottery and paintings.   

Back in Cheyenne, I started off the new year by helping hang the Art Design and Dine, Encore Show at Nagel Warren Mansion. The show is made up of 13 artists that participated in AD&D in 2012. All of the artists live in Southeast Wyoming.... but I will write more about that in my next blog post..... 

My note card inventory depleted in November has been restocked. Check that off the to do list! Cards are now available at the Works of Wyoming Gallery in Laramie and will be available this week at the Cheyenne Artists Guild.   I have even signed up for a Watercolor class at LCCC!  It's always fun to push the boundaries and try something new!!!  Maybe I will be posting a watercolor in a few weeks? 

Being away all December has meant most of January to be non-stop catch up.... I'm a little out of breath!!! But, I think I am almost there.... once again able to relax and go back to thinking art full time!!!  Hope your having time to be creative in 2013!  Till next time....  

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