Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Art Design and Dine at the Nagel Warren Mansion

I would like to invite you to come visit Vanda and I during November Art Design and Dine on Thursday, November 8th, 2012. Our show is a mixture of miniature and larger pastel paintings which we created over the past year.  On the opening night only...we will  also have small items like note cards and my art mugs available for purchase.  The show will hang all the month of November at the Nagel Warren Mansion but I would love for you to come by and visit us on opening night!!!  By the way, if you mention seeing this post on my blog or on my Facebook page I will give you a 10% discount on the night of Art Design and Dine! 

"Marvelous Miniatures and Masterpieces"
Paintings by 
Gail Watford 
and Vanda Edington

Art Design and Dine
November 8th from 5-8 PM

222 East 17th Street
Cheyenne, WY  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's so nice to be accepted!

"Reflections on the Lake"
Pastel Painting by Gail Watford

As I told you in an earlier post, I am now back painting, but during the time I was not able to create, I did manage to enter the "Lines into Shapes" juried show in Estes Park. This was the first time I had tried to enter this show.  I had not entered in the past thinking my chances of being accepted were slim. Why go to the time and expense? This year, because it was so easy to enter online (only taking a few minutes), I decided to give it a try.  If I couldn't work, the least I could do was enter the show.  I took a deep breath, pushed the computer keys and within a short amount of time my images were included in the 2012 entries.  After a few weeks of waiting, there it was.... in my email box the dreaded rejection notice! I was disappointed but decided it was OK, there is always another time or show.  You can only imagine my surprise the next morning to get an email from the selection committee apologizing and explaining there was a mistake that my piece "Reflections on the Lake" WAS accepted into the show!  I am amazed, exited and thrilled to be one of the 142 entries selected from 464 submissions!   

The thought I would like to leave with you regarding by my experience,  is there IS TRUTH in what others say about entering shows even though you think they are too far away, too competitive, too expensive or too much trouble.  Be brave, selectively enter the bigger shows....you never know when the judges will say "Yes, your piece is accepted"!  

The Art Center of Estes Park "Lines into Shapes" show will open October 26 and run through November 11th.  For a look at the pastel division which include my painting check out the following link:
While on the page I would appreciate if you select and vote for my painting!  

If you make it to Estes Park to see the show let me know what you think?  Your continued support of my art is truly appreciated!!!  

(970) 586-5882

Gallery Hours 

November 16 - May 15 
Friday-Monday 10 am-5 pm 
May 16 - Nov. 15 Daily 
10 am-5 pm 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Finding a Title?

Unnamed Pastel Painting by Gail Watford

This is my latest painting, I would tell you it's title but unfortunately I can't find the right words to summarize the feeling I want to convey.  Does this happen to you?  It's an ongoing issue I struggle with.  Words and writing about me and my art are never easy.  It's a sole searching process.  When I paint, I repeatedly look for what I think of as finding the inter-peace or going toward the OMM factor. This probably makes little sense to anyone else? How can anyone read my mind or I yours? So it is back to finding the title to express the feeling of the painting.  In this painting, I keep thinking of a title like "Dreaming of Somewhere in Wyoming", though I don't think that is the best answer to my dilemma. I could write more to further define my thoughts about this painting, but I'm  hesitant to go to any depth about what I am thinking.  I'm more interested in the feelings the viewer arrives at rather than me telling the whole story.   Any work of art can have a lot to say, but for me it is best each person go down the path the painting leads them. Do you think the story in my painting is about peace, loneliness, sorrow?  Maybe it reminds someone of a relative or long lost friend.  Does it make you feel happy or sad?   Can you suggest what the title might be to best convey the story of my painting?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's been a while....

Paper made with textures from objects around the home

I never intended to go so long without posting but the last few months have been a challenge to think about art much less creating a painting.  On August 1st my husband went into the hospital for the first of two knee replacement surgeries.  Both of his knees had given him problems for many years.  After postponing the inevitable, it was time to begin the process of  repair.    For the most part my hubby has never been sick, I have always leaned on him, as he has been the one to protect and take care of me when sick.  Over the last couple of months,  much of the time I have felt inadequate, being an artist and not knowing or understanding medicine.  Never the less, my priority has been to be the best caregiver I could be. We have weathered the surgery, recovery and a blood clot.  Thank goodness, everything is now getting back to normal. He is recovering well, doing some of the things he wants to do like driving, so it is time for me to start thinking about getting back to my art.  As I said in the beginning, though,  it has been a slow process for me to switch gears.  The ideas don't seem to flow the way I want them to.....   I have been trying to push through these feelings of a lack of inspiration....  but it has not been easy!

Last week, an artist friend of mine, Win Ratz invited me to make paper with her as she was preparing for an upcoming workshop.  I had never made paper before and looked forward to a fun day experimenting with a new medium.  The morning working with Win was just the right kick my brain needed to get the wheels moving creatively.  She showed me how to use purchased, recycled paper materials as well as dried plants, a blender and a box with a screen lining to make beautiful art objects of paper.  Once the paper was set, yet not dry, we played with all kinds of choices of "junk store purchases and around the house objects" to create textures in the paper. Win also showed me the process of coloring the paper and layering colors before the paper sets up to dry. While the colored paper was still damp I used some pastel sticks to pump up areas with more color.   What a fun morning and just what I needed get my artist brain to working!!!

The lucky folks that have signed up for her papermaking workshop in Taos in October are in for a treat!  You can find some of Win's work on her web page or blog at, http://www.winratzart.com/ or at   http://www.winratzart.blogspot.com/.  Not only does she create art from her paper designs but she also creates beautiful watercolor paintings and enamel works of art.

The three images in this post are the works of art I made at Win's house.  Win thanks, for a fun morning and the encouragement of thinking in new ways to create art!  You have definitely inspired me to create more paper art!!!  My days are still erratic,  I am not fully back to where I want to be but I am moving in the right direction!                                                                                     

Paper made with texture from lace and embossed leather

Layers of colored paper with pastel on top

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Packed and ready to go to Frontier Days

"Little European Robin"
Pastel Painting by Gail Watford
The last few weeks have been been crazy busy but finally finished the last piece of art to go to the Wyoming Made Store at 2012 Cheyenne Frontier Days!  This little 5x7 pastel painting of a European Robin will be 1 of 5 unframed pieces of art I will be selling for $37. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ever wonder what happens in an artist's bedroom?

More than likely, only an artist would know that this is what really happens in an artists extra bedroom! Oh yeah, and by the way,  I'm only letting you see a small portion of this chaos! It's  stacked, at this minute standing room only with art supplies and paintings... coming, going or being stored. Nope, no room here except on the rare occasion my cat curls her way onto a small corner of the pillow! Today is one of those days she won't be finding her comfy sleeping spot!!! 

Why is my room like this?  Personally, I believe in trying new ideas to get art into to the world.  One of my goals this year was to become part of the group "Wyoming First".  It is a program developed by the Wyoming Business Council to advance businesses in Wyoming. Once approved, they will actively help promote through various venues.  One of the ways they get the word out is by hosting the "Wyoming Made Store" for their members at Cheyenne Frontier Days and at the Wyoming State Fair.  This is my first year to take part and as you can see I am knee deep, as they say back in the South, in getting ready.  But I guess I didn't really have to tell you that?  Yes, this is part of my inventory that will go to both locations!  I will have note cards of 6 of my paintings, coffee mugs displayed with my art, as well as framed and unframed paintings available.  Quite a production when you consider all the preparation of labeling and packaging.  Fortunately, light is at the end of the tunnel and I am nearly ready. I will be postings of some of my paintings that will be going in the upcoming weeks.  

For those of you that have never been by the "Wyoming Made Store" at Cheyenne Frontier Days, it will be open every day at Wild Horse Gulch  from 11am to 8pm, July 20-29, 2012. One of the best things is that Wild Horse Gulch has no admission! It has been one of my favorite places to go during Frontier Days. Always a good time, with creative fun things to do and purchase!  Check out a 30 second video on this link: Wild Horse Gulch Video.  

Well partner, my boots are polished and my hat is hanging by the door ready to go!  YEE-HAW!!! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bluebirds, Meadowlarks, and Indian Paintbrush

"Mountain Bluebird"
5x7 Pastel Painting

"Meadowlark"5x7 Pastel Painting

"Indian Paintbrush"5x7 Pastel Painting
Lately, I have been working on painting 5x7's, starting out with the Meadowlark, then the Indian Paintbrush and lastly the Mountain Bluebird.  For me all of these subjects represent our state of Wyoming.  I don't think I have ever seen a Meadowlark close up and would be thrilled to study one, so I had to work from about 5 different photos to paint the Wyoming state bird. The Indian paintbrush, our state flower is a favorite of mine and I always look forward to running across a few of them every year.  I sometimes daydream of one day happening on a large patch that paint the landscape with their vivid red color!  This study, though came from a reference photo I took last summer while Plein Air Painting at Lions Park in Cheyenne.  My Bluebird painting, came from inspiration I received on a drive a few week ago through the back roads of Vedauwoo.  My  husband and I had taken our big ole black 4-wheel drive truck out on a perfect trail, then stopping at the top of a hill with an open field.  I couldn't believe it when I looked out my passenger window and there was a brightly colored bluebird!  I had to come home and give painting this beautiful bird a try!  Our summers in Wyoming always have many beautiful surprises for artists and I look forward to finding some new ones this year!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Painting PRAIRIE SKIES Goes to Washington, DC

Here I am by my pastel painting "Prairie Skies" that will be hanging
for the next year in one the Wyoming Congressional Offices in Washington, DC!

What an honor and surprise this past weekend to be awarded one of 3 Congressional Awards at the Wyoming Artist Convention held this year in Cheyenne!   It was such a busy weekend with nonstop activities, meetings and workshops... as they say you could have knocked me over with a feather when some of my friends told me not only did my painting "Prairie Skies" win a years stay in Washington DC with our states' Congressmen or Representative but I also took 1st Place in Graphics with my ink drawing "Night at the Symphony"!  Needless to say my first year belonging to the Wyoming Artists Association has turned into and eventful and exciting year!

"Night at the Symphony 3" Won 1st Place in the Graphics Division

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Finished Painting "Prairie Skies"

PRAIRIE SKIES 9x12 Pastel Painting

Setup of Pan Pastels and
Colourfix Paper before the reception. 
Producing art is like a good mystery... always full of surprises without a sure path to the ending? Seems to me each painting is a new adventure! Such is the case with the process of this painting, "Prairie Skies".  It began this past March during the reception for my duo show, "Pure Pigment" with Vanda Edington. A different twist to this painting, was during the reception I gave everyone an opportunity to paint with my collection of Pan Pastels on one community sheet of sanded Art Spectrum Colourfix paper. (If you're not familiar with Pan Pastels, they are pastels that come in a little round container and you smooth them over the paper with a "sponge brush".)   Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking about using the painting for a blog post so I didn't take a photos to record what it looked like at the end of the reception or how the painting progressed once I was back in my studio.  At that point it was more a puzzle to be figured out, but all the while I kept thinking about how the painting began and where I wanted it to go. The sanded paper and the Pan Pastels are both forgiving, allowing lots of changes, if they need to be made.  Some of the original colors and strokes made at the reception are still in my painting. Others have been eliminated by using a kneaded rubber eraser or have been covered with sheer layers of new color.  Most all of my early stages on this painting were done with Pan Pastels, saving the last bursts of color for Terry Ludwig sticks.  The thing I will always remember about this painting is the fun day of visiting with old and new friends at the reception! If you were there I hope you had a great time also!  Have any of you bought and used Pan Pastels?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

When is a painting finished?

Merrily Down the Stream 

Little Bear Creek (Original 2010) 
When is a painting really finished?  It's rare that I look at a painting and not see "just one more thing" that needs a few more touches.  More times than not, I have paintings sitting around my studio that are annoying, like a puzzle that the pieces won't fit... In my mind I know they will... I can "almost" see it.  I know it is close by but it is just beyond the horizon.... 

The original version of "Little Bear Creek" is one of those paintings? When I began working my goal was to go in the direction of pointillism but keeping the painting  looser.  Different elements never felt right, so a few days ago, I decided "Just quit thinking about it and do something" The starkness of the stream leading into the painting and the distant tree near the center were major issues. My final version is much more restful to my mind with the scattered pink wild flowers along the little creek bed. What an ahhh moment to get rid of that central tree!  Makes me wonder WHY did I ever put it there in in the first place???  I guess it is all part of the process.... finding a point to be at rest with your painting, while expressing the place you know to be just beyond the horizon....  Is this an issue you struggle with in your paintings?  What is your solution?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Juried into the 2012 Cheyenne Depot Museum Railway Art Show and Sale

A few months ago I created the Cheyenne Artists Guild Blog. (Now for a quick shameless plug...If you haven't checked it out please do so, then sign up for emails or to Follow.) Being the CAG Blog editor has had the unforeseen effect of my personal blog being pretty silent for the last couple of months.  No really, I didn't see this coming so please bear with me.  I'm trying hard to learn to multitask like never before!  

Today, I have set aside... as the day to catch up on my blog and let you know one of the things, I have been working on.  Back in March, I got word that my two pastel paintings "The Whistle Blows" and "Saratoga Run" were both accepted into the 2012 Cheyenne Depot Museum Railway Show opening May 18th! YAY!!! It's always a thrilling experience to get acceptance notices!  When you look at my two paintings you may be puzzled because they are done in two very different styles.  Because of this, I thought you might be interested in my personal explanation for each painting.  These explanations were required with the application we turned in with our entries for the show.  I'm finding there is so much more to art than focusing on creating paintings!  But then, I think the time we now live in and our society challenges us to learn to express ourselves in new ways.  As well, we artists must embrace changes with new forms and ways of communication.  What do you think, do we step into the future or should we continue to rely on ways of the past?

"The Whistle Blows"
In my painting "The Whistle Blows", I want to convey a more modern look at the significance of trains and their components. A constant throughout locomotive history has been the familiar whistle of trains.  Even today in our technological society the whistle still warns of the approach and roars her continued presents as a contributing force in an ever changing and competitive world. My interpretation of the train whistle uses bold colors and expressive strokes to convey through art the energy and life that trains bring to communities all across our country.

"Saratoga Run"
The inspiration for "Saratoga Run" began with a visit on a snowy day to see Engine 1242, "Ol Sadie" in Lions Park in Cheyenne, WY. As I studied the train I began thinking about what it might have been like during the time this work horse of the American west was in service.  My painting shows my interpretation of a snowy morning as "Ol Sadie" chugs along her route from Walcott threw Saratoga then on to Encampment. Making the journey she pushes her way through the snow with smoke billowing from the stack and snow blowing to the sides of the engine as she cuts her way through the Wyoming landscape.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Grant Farms Revisited

I just finished this pastel painting, I started last summer... of the business, Grant Family Farms in Cheyenne. The great spring weather we have been having in Cheyenne is making me think of planting flowers in my back yard and working in my garden. But it's too early to plant here... so I finished (or for the most part finished) my garden painting of Grant Farms! It has taken me months to once again get emotionally involved with this painting.  I don't know why I have a hard time finishing a painting once that time of year is over? Seems to me,  I tend to paint in anticipation for the season or an appreciation of the season that I am experiencing?  Do any of you ever postpone a piece of work for months, even though you have a photograph... just waiting for those colors of that day to once again become vivid in your minds eye? 

Grant Family Farm is such a wonderful inspiration for art.  I'm giving you their link, but it is so much better to go and experience it in person!   http://www.grantfarms.com/index.cfm 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Red Pepper Tuesday goes to Art for the Cure

"Red Pepper Tuesday" Pastel Painting by Gail Watford

"Red Pepper Tuesday", my donation to 2012 Wyoming Art for the Cure, was painted last year during Mardi Gras.  Though I have never been to New Orleans during that time of year, I do remember quite a few trips my husband and I have taken to New Orleans in the spring. We have had many wonderful days sampling awesome Cajun food, riding the trolley and enjoying superb French Creole architecture!  The Fauvism movement in art was a strong influence in my use of color for this painting... reminding me of the atmosphere of the restaurants we visited. Maybe my painting will remind someone at the Art for the Cure auction of good times, food and fun... like it does me!  But most of all I want my contribution to help the cause of prevention of breast cancer and to honor those that have fought this disease. If you would like to take part in this event Friday, April 12th, check out the website at http://www.komenwyoming.org/get-involved/art-for-the-cure/. Tickets are $40... if you aren't able to attend, keep watch on the Wyoming Art for the Cure website. I have been told that people will be able to bid at this auction from home on their computer! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Getting Ready for the Cheyenne Artists Guild Easter Art Show

"Rabbits in My Garden"  9x12 Pastel Painting

It's hard to believe spring is almost here and only a few weeks until Easter.  The wonderful weather this last week in Cheyenne made me quit thinking about painting snow scenes. Even though I don't like hot weather, I'm looking forward to the prairie once again turning green, flowers beginning to bloom and little wild critters running around the neighborhood.  A few rabbits make our neighborhood their home and one in particular frequently visits my back yard, sharing our little garden. Sometimes, I image what it would be like to see a little family of rabbits. I guess this was floating around in the back of  my mind as I was creating my painting. You are probably thinking... your wishing yourself some problems, rabbits in a garden!  I know they may like to chop on my lettuce and vegetables, but I always feel happy when I see this one little rabbit that visits my back yard. I don't mind sharing some of my greens....besides that is that much less I have to pick, wash, cook and freeze. (Giving me more time to paint!!!)

If your out and about in April, check out the Easter Show and see my painting of the rabbit family at the Cheyenne Artists Guild. I also will be showing my geese painting "You Lookin' at Me". I look forward to seeing you at the Easter Show reception on Easter Sunday, April 8th, from 2-4 pm at the Cheyenne Artists Guild.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New show on March 24th at Works of Wyoming in Laramie!

One of the projects my good friend, Vanda and I have been working on this last week is our new 2012 show "Pure Pigment"! The opportunity arose for us to exhibit our pastels painting this March, at the gallery, Works of Wyoming in Laramie. The gallery is affiliated with the Wyoming Women's Business Center and a  non-profit created  for developing artists, as well as those who have mastered their work.

Vanda and I are excited to be showing our paintings in Laramie at WOW for our first show in 2012 and in this wonderful little gallery!  If you can work it into your plans come by and visit with us on March 24th, from 2pm to 4pm at Works of Wyoming, 710 Garfield, Laramie Wyoming! We will have our pastel sticks and paper on hand, so you can give pastels a try. We hope to see you then!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mark 2 sold opening night at Western Spirit!

"Morning Light" Pastel Painting SOLD

Whew.... what a busy week, there has been no time this past week to blog about Western Spirit. AND I won't EVEN go into a long list of priorities that had to come first!  Never-the-less,  though a week late, I am still THRILLED with all the excitement of last weekends Western Spirit Opening! Besides the typical festive atmosphere, with over 400 in attendance, there is nothing quite like walking  by your painting at the end of the evening and seeing that little dot saying SOLD! To top it off my painting in the silent auction also sold....what a great evening!!! 

"The Turquoise Pot 2"  
Pastel Painting SOLD in Silent Auction. This painting is part of a group of 3 paintings.  The first in this series, "The Turquoise Pot" was juried into this show and can be seen in the main gallery. Also my pastel "Apple, Crackers and Cheese" is in the Miniature Gallery.

Come out and see Western Spirit before it closes on April 15th
It is truly a beautiful show with over 100 artists from all over the country!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Time to Saddle Up for the Western Spirit Art Show at the Old West Museum

"Morning Light"
9x12 Pastel Painting

"The Turquoise Pot"
12x16 Pastel Painting

Only a couple more days until the opening of the 2012 Western Spirit Art Show at the Old West Museum here in Cheyenne!  I am honored to once again be juried into this show with two of my pastel paintings.  YAY!  For those of you that don't know the Western Spirit Art Show features over 100 western artists from across the country.  Their  artwork can be seen at the Old West Museum, Saturday, March 3, 2012 through April 15, 2012. The excitement will begin this Friday evening, March 2nd when we artists get together to catch up and  visit at the Holiday Inn, then we're up bright and early the next morning to make it to the museum for an all day artist seminar at 8 AM.  Finally, that evening we're back to the museum at 6pm for the opening reception of the Western Spirit Show.  There is no doubt... it will be a whirlwind weekend, but a lot of fun!  Hope to see you there!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

March 1-30, 2012: Marilyn, Linda and Friends Art Show at the Civic Center

A few weeks back I talked to you about going to the symphony, gestural drawings and the inspiration of the evening.  I wanted to capture the feel of the night and decided to frame those drawings. How could I get them to reflect the feeling of that evening more that with a plain mat?  My good pastel painting pal, Vanda suggested  to pull it together by adding some sheet music. She always has great ideas and we seem so to spur each other into artistic action, now I had a direction! Next hurdle... find the sheet music. It took me quite a while to locate sheet music that was not copy written. (Though I doubt anyone can figure out the melody of the notes! But then I am not a musician....)  With some advice from the symphony office, I found a website that provided the sheet music that is no longer copy write protected. (www.imslp.org)  I would have loved to have used the exact music that I was listening to on the evening that I did the drawings but unfortunately that was not a possibility.   The sheet music I found looked great, though and I thought everything was going to work out perfect... for about one minute...  and I put the  printed copy next to my drawing.  There was no way to use it!  Both drawing and music was screaming at each other trying to grab all the attention. Even though I was disappointed, by this time I was more determined than ever to use the music.  I had to figure out how to incorporated it and make it work!!!  After quite few hours of staring at the drawing and then staring at the sheet music, it occurred  to me  why not treat the music as a negative...this way the music will recede into the background.  Then I could put further emphasis on the drawing by elevating the drawing 1/8th of an inch above the music.  This time it worked!  I am quite pleased with the results despite the fact that the time involved to get to the end point was way beyond a typical effort in framing!  

You will be able to see these 3 drawings at the upcoming Marilyn, Linda and Friends Art Show and Sale at the Civic Center here in Cheyenne from March 1-30th, The Civic Center is open weekdays from 10AM to 5PM. There will be an reception on March 7th from 5:30 to 7pm.  Come by and visit with me!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weekly Art Challenge- Posie the Cat

"Posie" 9x12 Pastel

Cats are such elegant animals. Growing up on a farm, I remember being fascinated by the barn cats that would come to the back door.  They were wild and not easy to catch for a little girl, but I  spent many hours trying to find them in the barn and barnyard.  Ever so rarely I would catch one, but I never tamed one enough to call it a pet.  So began my life long love of cats. Once my husband and I married we adopted a cat and have had "just one" in our home ever since.  I must admit if I didn't have allergies I think I would be a cat wrangler and have a herd running around the old home place!  LOL     

When my weekly art challenge friend, Lisa, posted "Posie" I couldn't ignore painting her portrait.  Not knowing the cat's personality was difficult but in my mind I pictured a spunky little diva that rules in her home!  I'm sure Posie is happy, well fed and totally loved.  All kitties should be so lucky!!! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Last years Weekly Art Challenge, a look at painting geese!

"You Lookin' at Me" 9x12" Pastel Painting

Seems I'm always 10 inspirations behind.... I had the photo of this weekly art challenge sitting by my easel since October. The afternoon painting the geese though, was spontaneous!  Painting the geese was a freeing experience much like slapping paint on a canvas in a  carefree abandon.... my way of starting the new year with a fresh look at the world.  

I will share with you...I did spend some time, laughing as I looked at these geese and thinking about them staring at one another challenging "You lookin' at me"!   

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gesture Drawings Inspired by Music

For my husband's birthday last year I bought season tickets to the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra.  I didn't imagine the inspiration that I would gain as an artist!  During the first symphony we attended I began thinking about how live musical performances have inspired other artists in the past.  Being an impressionist my first thought was Degas and his wonderful pastel paintings of dancers.  As I sat there I  regretted not brings any materials to do a few drawings.  The second concert I stuck in my purse,  a 3x4 sketch book and a pencil.  Unfortunately, I didn't bring enough pencils and the one I brought soon needed sharpening. This past weekend I came  prepared, bringing a 7x8 inch sketchbook and 4 fine point markers!   I was finally able to experience the excitement of creating quick gesture drawings in the tradition of many other artists before me!  After the event, inspired by capturing the moment through quick gesture drawings, I wanted to see what other artists had done.  One of the drawings I found was by John Singer Sargent, shown above.  As I look at his drawing, I can imagine the applause of the crowd and thrill of the moment! I hope the  3 drawings below that I did during the symphony on January 28th inspire you the with excitement of the evening!  We artists need to not forget to be open to new possibilities and ways to "capture the moment"!