Monday, July 8, 2013

Yee Haw! BEST OF SHOW!!!

"Tug of War"
18 x24 Frames Pastel Painting by Gail Watford- $125
now showing at the Cheyenne Artist Guild, 1701 Morrie Ave. Cheyenne WY
12 Noon-5pm Tues-Friday, 10am-2 pm Saturday (located inside Holliday Park)
Just got word a few days ago my painting 18x24 pastel painting "Tug of War" got BEST OF SHOW at the Western Show at the Cheyenne Artists Guild! I'm so excited!!!!  I started this painting a few years back, putting it away until just recently. I felt the first version needed something extra, just didn't know what?  Unfortunately it took me a long time see what I wanted to do.  It makes it sweet to have struggled with this painting then to win the honor of Best of Show!  
I would like to invite you, if your in Cheyenne, during July to come by and check out my painting as well as the other western themed art in the show. Every year this is such a fun show coinciding with Frontier Days! The town is alive with festive parades, rodeos, events, and lots lively decorations! At the guild we also try to also get in the spirit!  This year why not add viewing some Western Art at the Cheyenne Artists Guild to a fun day in Cheyenne? You might even find some unique western souvenirs in the gallery or gift shop to take home as a memory of a the day! 
Oh.... by the way  I'm curious....which "Tug of War" do you like best? You can check out my first version below!
Early version of "Tug of War"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

More paintings done at Porter Hospital

"The Color of Spring" 6 x 8 Watercolor by Gail Watford
"Where's Mom?"  Watercolor  6x8 by Gail Watford

These are the last two small watercolors I did while my husband was in the hospital.  Rather than talking about the hospital stay I thought I would let you in on my thoughts while doing these paintings!

The landscape "The Color of Spring" reminds me of places my husband and I like to go in Wyoming, wild flowers blooming on our beautiful prairie, mountains in the distance and a ice cold stream reflecting the blue of the sky! What a great place to be!!! A place both my husband I would rather be than trapped in  the hospital!

When I look at "Where's Mom?", I think about growing up on my parents ranch with lots of calves following their Momma's. I remember my Daddy steadfastly caring for the expectant heifers.  Sometimes Daddy kept the cows in the barn when he knew it was going to be a difficult delivery.  But most of the time that was not the case and he would have to go out in the worst weather, 24/7 just to make sure the Mom and the new born calf were safe.   On rare occasions he would find either the cow or the calf would not survive the delivery.  It was never an easy transition for the one left behind.  Being optimistic, I think the Mama cow in my paintings is not too far away.  I think she is grazing on a bale of hay my Daddy just put out for her and the rest of the herd! :) 


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More quick watercolors from Denver

"View from the Hospital Window" 5x8 Watercolor

"Street View from Porter Adventist Hospital Window" 5x8 Watercolor

During the 3 night stay my husband was in the hospital there were two views of two different seasons.  One before a snow storm and the other after around a foot of snow was dumped on Denver.  Being a girl from the South I don't drive in the snow or ice .....and the thought of it strikes fear in me! I stayed in and painted as I looked from the hospital room window. Fortunately the spring snow melted quickly, the roads cleared and we made it back safely to Cheyenne on the day my husband was released.  

These 2 little 5x8 pleinair style paintings were done while looking out his window.  The view was so beautiful unfortunately the hubby didn't get to enjoy it! As a follow up note.... We were in Denver yesterday for one of his followup appointments, I told him we might should go visit the 4th floor at the hospital and check out the view in the solarium.   Guess not enough time has passed....because he was still not interested in checking out the view!!!  :)  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A little unnamed watercolor.....

Untitled 5x7 watercolor done while my husband was recovering in the hospital.

For those of you that don't know, recently my husband had his 2nd knee replacement surgery.  His first, last August was a great success so we stuck to the plan to have the 2nd done in late April.  He is recovering wonderfully and we are now starting to get back to a more normal groove.  Being the sole caregiver I have not worked in pastel during this time.... it's too much of a mess spreading in too many rooms. I have managed to fill some of my spare moments working in watercolor.  I thought in my next few posts, I would show you some of the the little 5.5x8.5 paintings I did while he was in the hospital.  I guess it is kinda bad not having titles but my brain is too tired to come up with them so if you have any great ideas, let me know!

Friday, May 17, 2013

"Western Expansion" Train art at the Cheyenne Depot Museum

Once again it's the time of year from May 18 to July 28, 2013 for the Cheyenne Depot Museum Foundation to sponsor the 2013  RailART Show, Sale & Competition. This annual event exhibits the work of many nationally celebrated artists who uniquely express the viewpoints captured in the genre of American Rail Art today.  I am excited and  honored to again this year to be juried into the show!  

Tonight, Friday, May 17, 2013 from 6-10 pm  is a special preview reception at the museum.  I would like to invite everyone to come out during the show to check out the RailART within the museum!  This weekend there will  be lots of special events within the depot  celebrating the annual RailART show, it should be a great time?  Find out more information at the Depot link at:


About my painting "Western Expansion"
The inspiration for this painting comes from trips along Interstate I-80 through Nebraska.  Traveling the highway by car, I see the railway off and on and am impressed by the sunrise reflecting on the Platte River with its beauty early in the morning. Sometimes I think of years gone by when there was no other easy way but by rail to quickly get across the west.  I think of the anticipation the passengers must have felt as they looked out their passenger window. My painting strives to capture that moment at sunrise with all the hopes of a new day in our beautiful western landscape.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Western Spirit Now Hanging at the Old West Museum

"The Whistle Blows"

Pastel Painting by Gail Watford $400

It’s time again for the 32nd Annual Western Spirit Art Show and Sale! The Western Spirit Art Show features over 100 western Artists from across the country.  I am excited and proud to once again be one of the artists juried into the show! My painting "The Whistle Blows" (18x24 Pastel $400) as well as my miniature "Meadowlark" (5x7 Pastel $138) are both available for purchase or to be viewed during the regular museum hours March 8- April 14th.   If your in Cheyenne be sure to come out and see over 300 beautiful works of art by artists from all over the country!

 Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum

Frontier Park
4610 Carey Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming
(307) 778-7290

For a quick look at all the art in the show check out the following link 

Pastel Painting by Gail Watford $138

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

"Morning Sweetheart, I Love You"
 9 x 12  Framed Pastel Painting
This painting "Morning Sweetheart, I Love You" is hanging at the HEARTS AND FLOWERS SHOW at the Cheyenne Artists Guild through February 23rd.  I gave it this title because every morning my sweet husband has a pot of coffee ready for me! I must admit he has spoiled me and I'm not sure I could survive each and every day without him!!! Coffee or not! 

 Wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Hearts and Flowers Art Show and Sale
February 5-23rd
 Cheyenne Artists Guild 
1701 Morrie Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming

Friday, February 8, 2013

Time for Sunday Afternoon Fun at the Encore Art Show

On Thursday, February 7th some of the artists involved in the Encore show met at the Nagel Warren Mansion to visit with the KGWN Channel 5 morning crew, Kelly Ann Cicalese and Anthony Keith. Always liking to stay in the background when cameras are present, I stayed quite as a mouse, as my artist friends Vanda Edington and Georgia Rowswell answered Kelly Ann and Antony's questions about Art Design and Dine and how the 13 artists show Encore evolved. As I wrote, earlier Encore is made up of 13 artists that had previously shown work with Art Design and Dine in 2012. Another friend, Win Ratz showed the Channel 5 team how to make origami hearts, just in time for valentines! If you watched the Friday, February 8th Morning News on Channel 5 you will know all the details and see a glimpse of the Thursday afternoon fun we were having at the mansion. For those of you that don't get up at 6 am, like me, here's the link to check it out! By the way, those of you that know me well, know I am not an early bird.... getting up at the crack of dawn.  I must admit, I ALWAYS DVR the KGWN Morning Show... never to miss what's happening in Cheyenne!

To close, don't miss the opening this Sunday afternoon, February 10, from 1 pm to 4 pm. I'm sure it will be just as fun for the folks that come out to visit with us as on this past Thursday afternoon. Win will once again be showing how to make her origami hearts and... yes you will learn to make one and take it home for your special Valentine! Do Palma will also be showing how she makes her art with fabric. Of course, there will be yummy refreshments and the Nagle's special blend of tea.  It's all FREE.   Drop by Sunday for this special event or come see the show before it closes on March 31, the gallery will   be open daily! 

January 1- March 31
Opening Reception February 10, 1 pm - 4 pm
  Nagel Warren Mansion, 
 222 East 17th Street, Cheyenne, WY. 

One of 3 Pastels by Gail Watford on display at the Encore Show
"Mountain Majesty"  9 x 12"   $300

Friday, February 1, 2013

ENCORE 13 Artist Reception February 10, 2013

Open through March 31, 2013 – Daily from 9 am – 5 pm
Reception with all artists February 10th 1 to 4 pm

Encore – Thirteen Artists Show 
at the Nagle Warren Mansion
Reception February 10, 1 to 4pm

Thirteen Art Design and Dine artists from 2012 present the show, Encore at Nagel Warren Mansion. The venue is  located at 223 E 17th and will run through March 31 with a reception including all artists on February 10th from 1 to 4 pm. The Encore artists are Christi Beckmann, Mack Brislawn, Don Edington, Vanda Edington, Julie Nighswonger, Connie Norman. Do Palma, Win Ratz, Jennifer Rife, Dave Rowswell, Georgia Rowswell, Jeannie Schlump and Gail Watford. For more info call 778-7172, go to the Art Design and Dine  link for the latest information at or check
"The show is hung and looks great!  As you can tell from the poster the show is quite diverse and you can count on seeing a little bit of everything! If you come out for the reception on February 10th, Win Ratz and Do Palma will be doing demos.  There will be refreshments with the Nagel Warren Mansion serving their special made tea.  Come out and see the show before March 31 or better yet mark your calendar for the Artist Reception on February 10th  from 1-4 pm and visit with us artists.  Hope to see you there!" 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Where does time go?

"Merrily Down the Stream" Pastel Painting SOLD

It's unreal how fast the last couple of months have gone by, with no chance for me to sit at my computer and update you on whats happening in my art world.  So not to bore you to death... I will do a whirlwind update!

The show at Nagel Warren in November was great fun!  Lots of old friends came out to see Vanda's and my work.  I, also brought in some on my favorite paintings printed on note cards and sold out! My pastel painting "Merrily Down the Stream" sold during the reception! Some of my 5x7 Wyoming wildlife paintings of a meadowlark and Mountain Bluebird sold at Perkins Restaurant show later that week!  

Here I am this past November, at the opening Reception for Marvelous Miniatures and Masterpieces at Nagel Warren Mansion. This painting, "Cherished Memories" was placed alongside the mansions beautiful china and special blend tea. "Cherished Memories" just off the easel and unframed, was not for sale but a surprise gift for my parents!  The tea cup painting was inspired by my parents first set of dishes 60 years ago! I remember many Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners using the dishes! Those truly are cherished memories!

I took off all December to visit with family but managed to go to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Rogers, AR.  The
 Museum invites you to celebrate the American spirit in a setting that unites the power and history of American art with the beauty of landscape. It is amazing that this world class museum, is offered free to the public in the rural state of Arkansas! BTW, Rogers has a population of only a little over 55,000!  So if you are ever in Northwest Arkansas, Crystal Bridges is a must on the list of places to go!  
My husband and I also, took a day trip to Eureka Springs, a great little art community hidden in the Ozarks of Northwest Arkansas! It's a wonderful drive through the Ozark mountains not at all like our Rocky mountains.   The Ozarks are not tall or dramatic as the Rockies but a have beautiful gentleness with their tree covered hillsides of oak and maples.  Once arriving in Eureka, we had a great time visiting the art galleries.   Our favorite on this day trip was the gallery Quicksilver, having a unique mix of artistic crafts, jewelry, pottery and paintings.   

Back in Cheyenne, I started off the new year by helping hang the Art Design and Dine, Encore Show at Nagel Warren Mansion. The show is made up of 13 artists that participated in AD&D in 2012. All of the artists live in Southeast Wyoming.... but I will write more about that in my next blog post..... 

My note card inventory depleted in November has been restocked. Check that off the to do list! Cards are now available at the Works of Wyoming Gallery in Laramie and will be available this week at the Cheyenne Artists Guild.   I have even signed up for a Watercolor class at LCCC!  It's always fun to push the boundaries and try something new!!!  Maybe I will be posting a watercolor in a few weeks? 

Being away all December has meant most of January to be non-stop catch up.... I'm a little out of breath!!! But, I think I am almost there.... once again able to relax and go back to thinking art full time!!!  Hope your having time to be creative in 2013!  Till next time....